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Writer's pictureLauren J. Williams

Journey Through Dinner Meditation

The Collective at True North photographed by Mishira Davis.


C O M M U N I T Y | Similar character; agreement; identity: community of interests.

Come together, right now over me because there is no better energy than that of connection! I truly believe that at the very root of yoga the many messages of collective peace, consciousness, unity, and love provide us with the tools we need to be great leaders, listeners, and highly conscious spiritual beings. As we make our way through our daily routines it can become very easy to catch ourselves living on auto-pilot. Have you ever driven somewhere and arrived at your destination without even understanding your surroundings as you ventured through your journey? We are so easily seduced into unhealthy relationships with ourselves and others due to the tedium of our lives.

It's easy to adjust to our routine lives while delivering ourselves out into the world; following the directions in the scripts we have ascribed to our lives. Providing ourselves with the space to sit still, expand our hearts in connection with the universe, and eating healing plant based foods elevates our vibration which in turn keeps us connected to consciousness collectively. Our meditation dinner was accompanied by the beats of Efe and his drum, which gracefully guided us into the realm of spirit as relaxation and receptivity were evoked. After spending time with our breath and honoring one another's energy by sharing a few moments of stillness; we shared a meal together. Breaking bread with your fellow neighbor is the best way to genuinely form bonds without the pressure of seeking things to take from one another. Instead, within this space, organic connectivity was encouraged among our guests of yogi's, yoga guide's, creatives, and business owners.

Our yoga studio space is designed to tap into energy in its purest form already, but the intensity of the warmth within the room after meditating was positively radiant. By the evening, new friendships and life long bonds were established as we shared stories with one another and discussed our similarities. What a relief it is to know we are not alone in the world! As Detroit continues to create and grow its yoga community it is important that we as community leaders uphold respect, support, and understanding for one another as we set the tone for what we wish to see in the future. Thank you to all of the lovely souls who were present; always remember to continue to shine your light. One love and namaste!


Lauren J. Williams

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